What is the Movember Movement? It’s More than a Trend!

Ever heard of no shave november? A.k.a Movember!
The famous Movember has been more than just a fun trend that sparked a worldwide sensation a few years ago. The movement started as an awareness month for men’s mental health and prostate health. So you might notice a couple of more moustaches and beards around the corner during November.
What is Movember all about and What does Movember Support?
Let's get down to the real business of understanding the rightful agenda behind the Movember movement. Men’s wellbeing.
Did you know that men tend to die 6 years younger than women on average? Well that came to me as a complete surprise! And the reason why most men are in a tough spot is because of their compromised mental health issues. Gender is a strong predictable variant of life quality and expectancy and unfortunately men tend to be on the weaker side of it. Almost three quarters of suicides are committed by men, and that is exactly why we need to talk much more about men’s health through movements like Movember.
Probably the most relevant and closest agenda to Movember is raising awareness against prostate and testicular cancer, and maybe that is one big reason why Movember is often articulated with ‘no shave November’. Prostate and testicular cancer is the second most common cancer in men.
So does that mean that the meaning of Movember is more about men making their health a top priority? Absolutely!
With the right mindset and healthy lifestyle fixes, here are some easy ways men can get their health back on track.
Keep your diet as healthy as possible
It's easy to slack off in eating nutritious foods when you are always juggling back and forth between your work and life. But believe me, taking some time to mindfully eat nutrient dense foods can put your health in better gear. All you have to do is focus on vegetables and fruits, maintain your protein levels and simply cut out junk foods. If that seems like a big deal, then this Movember simply start with home cooked fresh meals on a daily basis.
Manage your weight
There is a thin line between being bulky and being overweight. Having extra kilos highly raises your risk of diabetes, blood pressure, heart problems or even heart stroke! Simply start with meal portion control with brisk walking. Just a few things here and there with your diet this Movember and you will definitely feel a difference.
Get Regular Screenings Done!
If by any chance you have a history of prostate complications then you must consult a doctor immediately. If you don't, then you should get screened regularly. At least twice a year to make sure there are no complications with high blood pressure, diabetes, any STI or cancer developments.
Cut Down on Alcohol
I know with Movember month going on, a tall glass of beer just uplifts the masculine vibe altogether. But that is quite contrary to the purpose of Movember. Avoid heavy drinking as much as possible. Oftentimes cancers come from alcohol abuse and that is exactly what Movember awareness is about.
Manage your stress!
Let's be honest. No one has it easy. No one is having a fair chance at life and that is exactly how we need to program our mindsets. Life is not easy and fair, but that does not mean that we must let it take a toll on us. This Movember, remind yourself that you will always remain bigger than your problems, and what does not break you only makes you stronger!
How does Movember Work?
During the month of November men sign up for growing moustaches or beards and show that either through posting on social media or by running and walking for 60 miles. They also host awareness events also commonly known as ‘Mo-ments’.
How Do I Participate in Movember?
Simply get involved in the movement. The main focus of Movember is keeping a moustache, so you have to start clean shaved on the 1st of November, and then trim and shape your moustache along the way. Meanwhile you can also sign up on Movember.com, participate or host an event and get involved in the movement!
Remember the win here is to raise awareness about men’s health and the bonus is to get the most perfect moustache. The best way to have the finest moustache shape is using sleek professional ontaki scissors, for the most precise definition and quality finish.